You don’t need to stay the same. You don’t need to keep doing what is no longer serving you simply because that’s what people expect. You don’t need to be what you’ve always been.
You don’t need to hide yourself in costumes that aren’t yours. You don’t need to mask (or unmask) simply because people have made assumptions about you.
You are allowed to grow.
You are allowed to change.
You are allowed to be you.
You are allowed to experiment with your services, your offerings…your life.
You are allowed to have fun.
You are allowed to make mistakes.
You are allowed to say yes.
You are allowed to say no.
You are more than your business. You are a multitude. You are magic.
So when you feel stuck, let’s look at what you have the power to change. Let’s look at the opportunities to grow. Let’s look at what’s not working and burn that shit down so that new life can take its place.
You are allowed to take the next step.
And if you need a hand, take mine.